We invite you to join us in this effort as a sponsor of our inaugural gala. Your support is crucial to the vision of “Healthy, Healed , and Whole” individuals and families in the Baltimore Metropolitan Area and Tanzania. As a sponsor, you will receive various benefits and positive media attention from your association with iCARRe Foundation.
Rodney O. Carr
Founder | Executive Director
In 1994, I was an Army veteran who had served my country in the Gulf War and returned home with undiagnosed PTSD, a family history of addiction (including my father’s death from heroin overdose when I was 12 years old), and a perception of limited options. I eventually turned to substance use as a coping mechanism to deal with life on life’s terms. After 15 years as an active addict, I knew life had to offer something more than addiction and its consequences. I dug deeply into spirituality, clinical therapy, and willpower to make changes within and conquer the beast.
After finding sobriety, I recognized substance use disorder as a social issue just as much as it is a chemical and psychological issue. Changing one’s environment can help change one’s outcome. While my environment and outcome had changed, I looked around Baltimore City and saw that many others were still in despair. I founded a non profit organization called iCARRe Foundation to focus on recovering individuals and families from Mental/Behavioral Health issues by providing housing, mentorship, and education targeted towards workforce development, nutrition, financial literacy, and entrepreneurial growth. In the past 9 years, iCARRe’s holistic approach to battling and preventing addiction has aided thousands in their journeys to Healthy, Healed, and Whole lifestyles.
Everyday iCARRe is impacting lives; many of whom have been cast aside and considered lost causes. We believe, “As long as there is life there is hope.” Individuals and families with mental/behavioral health issues need your support!

For the past 6 years, iCARRe has offered transitional housing as a service to our clients. We currently own and operate 5 homes; 3 of which are dedicated to women and children and 2 being reserved for men. We are currently working on establishing 2 more homes for veterans and members of the LGBTQIA+ community.
This program is in conjunction with the Maryland Division of Rehabilitation Services (DORS) and has existed for the last 3 years. We help mentally disabled individuals with job readiness and placement through a myriad of services including resume writing, interview preparation, and attire.
After the past 2 years of ground work in Tanzania, this program will launch in 2024 after with 6 students coming to America to study Cultural Arts and STEM . We have been preparing 70 80 students and their families for this next phase and will begin the application and selection phase in the 4 th quarter of 2023.

Sponsor logo submissions are due by September 7, 2023.
Bronze Heart $1000
✔ One 10 person table
✔ Logo in printed gala program
✔ Recognition at event
Silver Heart $2500
✔ One 10 person table
✔ ¼ page ad in printed gala program
✔ Logo in printed gala program
✔ Recognition at event
Gold Heart $4000
✔ One 10 person table
✔ ½ page ad in printed gala program
✔ Logo in printed gala program
✔ Logo on website, emails, and social media ✔ Recognition at event
✔ Reserved parking with logo
Platinum Heart $4000
✔ Two 10 person tables
✔ Full page ad in printed gala program
✔ Logo in printed gala program
✔ Logo on website, emails, and social media ✔ Recognition at event
✔ Reserved parking with logo
✔ Logo on sponsorship board