iCARRe Foundation provides a variety of services to the Greater Baltimore community. If you are interested in any of our services please contact us at 410-450-4644 or

The iRise initiative supports multiple schools in the Baltimore metro area, including the Delmarva region with tutoring, mentoring, behavioral health, and mental health.
Our innovative transitional housing program aids in finding housing, job training and placement, and mental health services. This program is for anyone in transition. We currently have 4 transitional houses serving women and children, the general population, and a homeless shelter.
There is no time limit for residents to occupy our transitional homes, but the goal is to provide necessary support to facilitate independent living within six months. Since the Covid pandemic, we have expanded our program to include assistance with deposits and the first month’s rent for qualifying candidates.
We support them with case management which includes therapy, workforce development, acquisition of entitlements, and educational programs including remote GED. Daycare support and expungements.

Veterans Support
iCARRe's Veterans' Initiative for a Mission Accomplished (VIMA) Program provides a comprehensive approach to supporting Veterans and their families. As servants to our community, we realize that all support to human beings must be holistic and comprehensive.
Youth Summer Entrepreneurship Academy
Youth Workforce Development

Our Workforce Development Program called the B.U.I.L.D. Project (Built Using Intellect Love and Discipline) helps individuals find meaningful employment regardless of their background. We conduct personal and job assessments to determine employability. Once properly assessed clients are assisted with resume writing, interview etiquette, and appearance support. iCARRe’s form of workforce development is called “supported employment” which supports the client beyond job placement via housing and education.
Behavioral/Mental Health Counseling
Transitional Housing
Supportive Employment